SUCH is that reality and Malaysians must face that fact!

FACT – The number of cases has exceeded 200,000.

FACT – All it took was over three months to reach the first 100,000 confirmed cases.

FACT – It took only 12 days to reach the next 100,000.

These latest WHO figures paint a grim picture of what lies ahead for those afflicted with the coronavirus COVID-19 worldwide.

Closer home, the number of cases crossed 1,000 with 130 cases reported yesterday. More than 45 of these cases were linked to the Seri Petaling gathering.

Twenty-six remain under intensive care treatment and they include medical personnel with 12 serving our national health service and three private healthcare.

So far, we also recorded three deaths, and one was an individual aged in his 50s who attended the Seri Petaling gathering.

Health authorities have established some 15,000 attended the gathering and there remain more than 3,000 who have yet to be located and screened.

If developments were anything to go by.

  • Authorities have called on members of the public who patronised a supermarket chain in the city to come forward for screening.
  • Funerals and prayers offered for the deceased are not open for all to attend, while places of worship remain closed.
  • The Stay-At-Home advise continues to be trumpeted.
  • Our boys in green assisting police to man roadblocks beginning Sunday, will see this clarion call of social distancing further drummed in.
With roadblocks and places of worship closed to all, these foreigners took to rooftop gathering to offer their obligation. – Social media picture.


Yesterday, British media reported 40 deaths attributed to Covid-19 and how plans were already underway for mass graves near the London’s Westminster Coroner’s Court and temporary morgues at military camps.

These measures were to deal the wave of Covid-19 cases expected. The last time a tragedy required mass graves was the Grenfell Tower inferno three years ago.

The lockdown comes in different variations and in New York non-essential workers are ordered to remain home from Sunday.

Gatherings are banned through the State in their effort to combat the outbreak.

Likewise, in California where 40 million residents of the west coast State face a stay-at-home order, which enforced until further notice.

And worldwide only essential services remain operational and in some countries, these include convenience stores, petrol stations and banks.

A common denominator as nations tackle head-on this invisible enemy is the 14-day stay-at-home advise.

Here, as we look at this Day-4 from indoor, sometimes, one must go through the worst to get to the best.

Patience and being patient is the essence of all virtues!

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