IT’S a story which needs to be told, so says clubber Pasqual Dino Herrera.


An avid golfer and cue-ball enthusiast, the property consultant recently almost returned from Vietnams’ popular port city Da Nang with bitter memories, had it not been for travel guides, Nguyen Hoang Giang and Ngo Cong Thanh.

Their above the call of duty act of networking and resilience brought a “happy ending” for Herrera and his recent trip, not to mention a good repute to the tourism industry in Da Nang.

It was a global renowned Golf Asia organised excursion and upon returning to his hotel after dinner only then did Herrera realise his waist pouch missing. 
It contained his passport, local and foreign currency, numerous keys and other important identification documents.

This was the beginning of Herreras’ moments of anxiety, stress and a sleepless night. Only those who have encountered similar situations would know the anguish one goes through in such situations.

Herrera alerted his fellow golfers in the troupe and all swung into action.

Some passed the hat around raising more than US$500 for his immediate expenses while contacting the tour guide was the priority.


It was a sleepless night for Herrera and the following morning he contacted the Malaysia mission there.

He was informed by an individual at the mission that he would have to take an eight-hour journey by bus to the consulate to facilitate his documentation. If that wasn’t enough, he would have to wait for some three days for the process to be completed.

“Here, I was without a single cent to me and I had to board a bus… lucky for my fellow golfers,” Herrera said.

Before he could proceed further the tour guide engaged for his group of golfers contacted with the good news that the pouch had been located intact.

“The guides spread the word around among their fellow guides who were in Da Nang that weekend and one of them was able to locate the pouch.”

For Herrera, it’s an experience to be able to find a good guide… honesty is value-added.

Such are travel guides Nguyen Hoang Giang and Ngo Cong Thanh who bring a good repute to the tourism industry in Vietnam and Herrera opined it would be best their services are made public for those making a golf excursion or holiday trip to Da Nang.

“Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it’ll always get you right ones.” – John Lennon   

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