THE WhatsApp video clip went viral over the past 72 hours and now Tara Jane Langston has gained recognition worldwide.

The 39-year-old is undergoing respiratory treatment for coronavirus in the United Kingdom, and from her hospital bed she posted over social media a shocking video of how she was coping with her condition.

Breathing is simply unbearable, and Langston said she made the video to warn others who are not social distancing.

Presently undergoing treatment at London’s Hillingdon Hospital, the video went viral and soon media were clamouring to identify the woman in the clip.

In the video recording, Langston showed viewers tubes in her arms and the breathing tube she was using.

The visual showed her gasping for breath as she went about her recording.
When the video was posted late Wednesday/early Thursday, numerous comments were posted, and the most chilling was

“SIT UP & TAKE NOTICE,, this is not a game,, this is not some some simple Flu ? you get at Christmas ? as many of you I have spoken too think it is and want to go out an play stupidity ,, this s**t will kill you Tara Jane Langston is 39 and healthy before the coronavirus she has a family she is now fighting to get back to … thank you Tara get well soon and thank you for educating other from your experience love to you and your family xxx ? ….. P.S. People,,, this doesn’t effect just old people over 70 I could and will affect you whatever your age… Play safe prevention is better than cure ,, now go wash your hands and face …”

“If anyone is thinking of taking chances, just look at me…” Langston said on the video.
In the video, she also told smokers to “put the cigarettes down.”

“Because I’m telling you now, you need your f—ing lungs,” she said.

On Saturday, it was reported Langston had been transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit.

Stills from a video made by Tara Jane Langston describing her coronavirus experience can be viewed over Tara Jane Langston/Facebook.

Medical authorities have now resorted to allowing controlled media coverage of coronavirus treatment.

British Sky TV visited hospitals in Northern Italy and filmed treatment, and how medical staff were working round the clock despite the odds stacked against them.

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