THE statistics may show a positive trend, yet Malaysians, especially decision makers, should remain steadfast and to act without fear or favour in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic virus.

Authorities remain perturbed over increased human traffic movement on main roads in the Klang Valley despite roadblocks.

And the number of individuals taken into custody for flouting the Movement Control Order reflects this.

Health officials believe the lower number of cases is being misconstrued by the public as the situation improving. Hence, their throwing caution to the wind and breaching the MCO.

And the situation does not augur well for law enforcers when even political leaders are photographed enjoying a meal clearly ignoring the safe distance measures.

Or mourners gathering for cremations and letting off firecrackers at funerals.

Ministry of Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said Malaysians must obey the MCO.

“While the drop in cases is indeed positive, the people still need to stay home, practice social distancing of at least one metre away from others and adopt a high personal hygiene such as washing their hands frequently with water and soap, ” he told Bernama.

Saturday showed the fight against the pandemic remained positive with recoveries on the uptrend and newly reported cases dropping.

Fifty-four new cases were reported, the lowest number recorded since the MCO came into force, with 135 recoveries.

Dr Noor Hisham said with the recoveries, this brings to 2,967 those ully recovered and discharged.

“The 54 new cases bring the tally to 5,305 cases with 2,115 infectivity cases. They have been isolated and given treatment,” he said in the daily media conference.

Two deaths were also two reported bringing to 88 the number to infection related fatalities.

Since the MCO first phase was implemented from March 18-31 and then extended for the second phase (April 1-14), the daily graph readings for new cases had been volatile with the numbers not lower than triple digits.

The third phase of the MCO is from April 15-28.

Meanwhile, eight medical professionals from China are in the city to assist in the fight against Covid-19.

Dr Noor Hisham said he had already conducted a teleconferencing with the Chinese doctors, some of them are from China’s National Health Commission in Guangdong, and would discuss on various issues with them.

“So maybe they can share their expertise in Hubei (China), take a look at our studies and our hospital services and how we can improve,” he told Bernama.

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