IT’S no denying… being cooped up can drive one up the wall!

Tuesday sees the United Kingdom going into ‘lockdown’, and here we’re coming to terms with the Movement Control Order which came enforced seven days ago.

This lockdown is prevalent in the United States, across Europe and numerous other countries throughout the globe.

All these measures simply because governments want their citizens to remain indoors in their effort to sever the spread of this dreaded pandemic virus.

Medical vanguards, despite the lack of protective personal equipment, continue working round the clock hoping for the best.

And as praises continue to be showered on the doctors, nurses, pathologists, security forces (and the list is endless) for their efforts, what about the rest of society.


A notification over social media for medical personnel
susceptible to the downside of stress susceptible to the downside of stress.

A psychologist has raised concerns over what he deemed to be long-term mental health impact – not only on those in the front line but all concerned including society in general.
With such gloom tidings presiding over all of us here and abroad, many seem to be losing a grip on things… especially over social media.

In Malaysia, we have numerous support groups like The Befrienders and their existence is clear during trying times such as these.

This group of dedicated volunteers offer a listening ear and a shoulder for those who wish to cry their woes over the phone.

“I am going out of my mind, with all the social media postings,” a veteran journalist and National Press Club member quipped.

“Most of the postings come from those who mean well, but how does one handle and delete the numerous same postings from different individuals.”

“I am so bored… I wish I could jump on my bike and go cycling to get my mind off things,” another journalist turned corporate communications manager said.

While all concur those in hospital are being taken care off, what about others in the general population.

Another cycling buff decided to take to the streets on Tuesday to wind down after doing a 12-hour night shift.

“It felt so good doing 10km in the city despite the downpour and the icing on the cake was there were hardly any cars.”

Health, personal well being, and now financial impact will definitely show an upward spike during such trying times.

Some have family support yet is that enough. There are those who live alone too we should consider.

Who is going to address that impending social tsunami remains to be seen.

The lyrics of this famed tune holds true…
You and I must make a pact
We must bring salvation back
Where there is love, I’ll be there

I’ll reach out my hand to you
I’ll have faith in all you do
Just call my name and I’ll be there….

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