IF audio and video recordings over social media are anything to go by, it’s all about getting the message out.

Some have even made the news, and these are frontline medical personnel who feel public must be told what they’re going through combatting the unseen enemy Covid-19.

There has been clips of those narrating the agony they underwent while being provided intensive care treatment for Covid-19 related respiratory problems.

Two days ago, UKs National Health Service critical care nurse Dawn Bilbrough uploaded her plea over social media.

After 48 hours of being on her feet treating patients, she found panic buying had left stores empty and her without essentials.

Becoming visibly upset, she added: “You just need to stop it, because it’s people like me that are going to be looking after you when you’re at your lowest.

“So just stop it, please!”


From tears and a near breakdown, it was all smiles as she received many offers of food.

Her post described the gesture as amazingly generous.

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