Stay in, stay home ignored leads those who flout to face the law. - Picture by Bernama.

WHEN the need arises, there would be an Enhanced Movement Control Order similar to the one imposed over two villages in Kluang, Johor.

And this would mean;

  • More roadblocks.
  • Enhanced enforcement of stay in, stay home order
  • Home delivery of foods and essentials by auxiliary force
  • And naturally more arrests for those who flout regulations laid down by the National Security Council.

For now, this debunks rumours the government would declare an emergency which triggered panic buying at stores earlier this week.

“All these are rumours… no such thing will happen,” Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri said.

Authorities are expected to make an announcement once all details are fine tuned and respective deployments put in place.

What was confirmed was a nationwide disinfection process to contain the Covid-19 pandemic will begin Monday.

“So far, the disinfection process has been carried out in Kuala Lumpur at wet markets,” the Senior Minister said.

Next would be the hot zones and tower block council housing.

On Malaysians stranded abroad, special flights were arranged and those in Egypt should be returning as soon as possible.

So far 2,600 of the 3,100 Malaysians stranded in more than 60 countries have been brought home.

On the possibility of enhanced MCO, Ismail Sabri said the justification was based on figures made available over the past 48 hours.

During this period, more than 400 individuals were taken into custody for breaching the MCO.

Despite numerous reminders, many individuals still left their homes for exercise and to perform Friday prayers.


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